Littlestown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Littlesburg City? Here's a quick summary of the population data. This is based on the latest United States Census data from the most recent year. This information is not a complete look at the demographics of Littlestown City, PA. For example, you can also find out how many people live in Littlestown City by comparing the median household income with the county median.

The US Census Bureau provides detailed information on this area. You can also find information about the school's address on the website. A detailed look at Littlestown City's address will give you a better understanding of where to find information regarding schools. Littlestown is a part of the Harrisburg consolidated metropolitan area, which means that its residents are mostly families. If you're looking for information about population in this area, you can find the latest data on this topic.

The school district in Littlestown is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The district receives 39.6% of its funding from the state. This money also goes to the Littlestown Area School District. This school district serves 577 students. It is located in a suburban community, and has a population of approximately 1,400. However, there's more to Littlestown than meets the eye.