Luthersburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will tell you more about the population and steets of Luthersburg City. It is located in the Township of Brady in Clearfield County. According to the United States Geological Survey, this community is in the Eastern time zone. The time zone in Luthersburg City is UTC -5. The area is largely rural, but there are some areas of the city that have developed into residential areas.

In calculating crime statistics, you'll want to know how much crime is reported in different areas of the city. Fortunately, Luthersburg has a very low crime rate. While it isn't intuitive to compare the rate of crime between different areas of the city, the fact is that robbery occurs in more crime-prone locations. Despite the relatively low crime rate in Luthersburg City, the crime rate is generally higher in the southeast section of the city.

The percentage of people enrolled in school depends on the type of education they've received. For example, if you're planning to send your kids to private school, know what percentage of people in that city have a bachelor's degree. This information is also valuable in helping you plan the right education for your children. Knowing the educational attainment of your local area can help you make decisions regarding their environment and employment market. The population of Luthersburg is 18,092 people three and older. Of this number, 27,427 were in elementary school. Meanwhile, 2,155 were in high school.

In addition to this, you can find out more about Luthersburg's demographics by looking at the table below. This information will help you decide if the town is a good fit for your family. In addition to the demographics, the county has excellent infrastructure and public schools. You can enjoy a wide range of activities in Luthersburg, PA. You can also visit the Evergreen vinery, a winery and a public school.