Mahanoy Plane, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Mahanoy Plane City, you should know the population and sate of nearby cities. The nearest big city is Philadelphia, PA, while the smallest is Scranton, PA. In this article, you'll learn more about each of these cities and how they compare to the population of Mahanoy Plane. And to make things even more interesting, you can find out what's around Mahanoy Plane City.

The population of Mahanoy Plane is comprised of 380 people. Of this number, 95 are under the age of 20. The rest are over the age of 20. Mahanoy Plane has a median age of 38 years, with approximately 42.7 people per household. There are approximately 1,437 births and 2,108 deaths per year. The population of Mahanoy Plane is N/A, and the locality has an estimated percentage of non-natives.

The median property value in Mahanoy City, PA was $27,900 in 2019, which was 4% lower than the national average. Sixty-one percent of residents were homeowners. The median number of cars per household was two. The median property owner owns two cars. Located in Scranton County, Pennsylvania, Mahanoy City has an average household income of $27,900.

Historical tornado activity in Mahanoy City is slightly above the Pennsylvania state average and is 5% smaller than the national average. On 5/31/1998, a category F3 tornado hit the town, injuring seven people and causing $1 million in damage. In 1872, the city was the site of the first English-speaking Catholic Church. In July 1866, St. Fidelis German Catholic Church was erected. On Christmas Eve of the same year, the first High Mass was celebrated in the unfinished building.