Matamoras, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of the Matamoras City, you will need to look into the numbers. Its population is 4.2% higher than Pennsylvania. As far as age is concerned, Matamoras has a low poverty rate of 9.0%. The median gross rent is $896 per month. You can also view other demographic data such as the median household income, racial breakdown, and other statistics.

The median house value of Matamoras, PA is $173,000, which is about 0.719 times lower than the national average. The median household income is $72 per person. The median property value is $173,000 and the homeownership rate is 67.7%. This is a high enough income level for most households to live comfortably. Despite this, Matamoras residents drive alone to work and have a high median income.

The percentage of families in Matamoras is 62%, which is low compared to other cities in the area. The highest family density is found in the nearby towns of Pocono Woodland Lakes. The average household size in Matamoras is 2.9, while Port Jervis has a median family size of 3.4. If you want to know the average family size in Matamoras, check out the statistics for this area.

The rate of animal cruelty per daytime visitors and residents in Matamoras is higher in the southwest part of the city. However, while these areas may be safer than the rest, they have higher crime rates. Crime happens everywhere. In areas with low population density, many crimes occur. You should always keep an eye out for these areas and do not let this deter you from moving to safer areas.