If you're looking for information on Population & Steets in MIFFLIN CITY, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. We've compiled some facts about the city, including its most prominent demographics. These statistics provide a better idea of how much of the community is African American, and how many people speak Spanish, French, or English. Check out the table below for more information on these important metrics.
Mifflin City is home to about 135 people. It has a commute time of 24.4 minutes, and its median home value is $86,200. It has experienced 6.7% home appreciation over the last decade. Compared to the surrounding communities, Mifflin has a low rent burden. In fact, Mifflin's rent burden is much lower than the state average of 30.3%, and nearby communities such as Reedsville and Duncannon have lower rent burdens than Mifflin does.
The population of Mifflin City is reported in terms of number of people per square mile. However, if you want to get the most accurate data, you can visit our About Page for more information. We've listed the most recent statistics on this city for the past few years, as well as the population density per square mile. If you'd like to learn more about Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, please consider our other articles and resources.
The Mifflin city, PA median household income is $41,667. Its percentage of foreign-born people is 3.3%. Its poverty rate is 1.47%. Mifflin has an ethnic diversity that reflects its diverse population. If you're looking for a small town with big city charm, this is the place for you. The population of Mifflin is growing, and the community has a rich history.