Mifflintown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in MIFFLINTOWN CITY

As of the last census, Mifflintown city has a population of 964 people. The median age is 36.7 and the median household income is $42,292. In the last census, the percentage of residents who are US citizens was 92.2%, up from 92.2% in 2018. Those who are Hispanic make up 10.9% of the population. Hispanic residents represent a quarter of the population, which is lower than the national average.

The racial or ethnic groups with the highest percentage of residents living below the poverty line in Mifflintown, PA are White, Hispanic, and Two Or More. While there is no one official poverty level for Mifflintown, it is likely to be lower than the state average. Those who live below the poverty line may have higher or lower incomes than those in other areas.

The population of Mifflintown City is diverse and is spread out among age groups. Twenty-four percent of the population is under the age of 18, while eleven percent is 25-44 years old. Thirteen percent is 65-and-older. The median age was 34 years old. The population is mostly male, with 87% of males and eight percent of females. Those who are over 65 years old comprise 15.1% of the population.

The county is home to the Juniata County Library. This library houses 64,000 books and has a 131,940 annual circulation. In addition to Mifflintown, the county has its own library. The county's hospital serves the region, and the county is served by the Pennsylvania State Police. The town has no municipal police force. The county is served by Juniata County.