Mifflinville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the current Population & Steets in Mafflinville City, Pennsylvania. The population change since 2000 is -26.4%. It is the second-smallest city in this region. However, if you're looking to buy a home or a rental property, you'll want to carefully consider the area's crime rate. Here are some statistics to help you decide which neighborhood is right for you.

The city of Mifflinville is about one-fifth the size of the entire state of Pennsylvania. However, it is home to nearly 36,000 residents. The area is also home to over 8,000 businesses and is ranked among the most livable cities in the U.S. By per capita income, Mifflinville has a slightly higher cost of living than other Pennsylvania cities.

Mifflinville City's population is estimated to be 1,129 as of 2020. However, this number has decreased slightly since the 2010 census. The average household income in Mifflinville City is $59,492, with a poverty rate of 9.11%. The median rent in the city is $962 per month, while the median house value is $148,600. The median age is 48 years for males and 54 years for females.

The median age in Mifflinville City is 51 years old. This age group is the most age-grouping in the town. Only 18 percent of people in the area are under the age of 18. The next two largest age groups are the twenty-four-year-olds and the thirty-and-overs. There is a large percentage of people in the middle aged group, so you'll find that Mifflinville City is a great place to raise a family.