Milanville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of Milanville City, Ohio. The population of Milanville is approximately 399 people, with 115 of them under the age of 20. Of this total, 66 percent of the population is male and 49 percent is female. This data also includes the number of children enrolled in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school. In terms of race, Milanville is primarily one race, with three hundred and twenty-five percent white, two percent black, and one other race.

The median age of residents in Milanville City is 36.2 years. The average age of residents is 37.5 years, which is about average for the country. For those under 25, the average age is slightly higher, but this percentage is still much higher than that of people living in other cities in the United States. People in the city generally earn less than twenty-five thousand dollars a year. However, residents are overwhelmingly friendly with one another, with only one crime-related incident reported per thousand residents.

The population of Milanville is approximately three-hundred and forty-five households. The median home value is $144,079, and the average household size is 2.46 people. The median household size is two-and-a-half people, while the average household has a two-person household. Residents of Milanville are highly educated, with 80% graduating from high school and four percent going on to college.