Mohrsville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population & steets of Mohrsville? Do you want to live in this city? If so, you should know some basic statistics. The following table provides you with the population & steets of Mohrsville. For more information, visit the official city page of Mohrsville, Pennsylvania. You can also check out the list of neighboring towns below.

The population of Mohrsville is generally younger than the United States as a whole. It is approximately 1.3 years younger than the national average. Moreover, the city's average age is 36.6 years old, which is significantly less than the national average of 37.3 years. Moreover, the city has a relatively low elderly population, with only 9.90% of residents over the age of 65. The average U.S. population is 15.2% old or older.

The Mohrsville Fire Department is responsible for fire protection and emergency response. The primary objective of the department is to protect the lives and property of the residents. Additionally, the Mohrsville Fire Department responds to accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, and motor vehicle crashes. It is important to note that the fire department serves the citizens of Mohrsville, Pennsylvania. A Mohrsville fire department is not a substitute for a police officer, but rather an adjunct to it.

The population of Mohrsville City is 618 people. The median household income is $60,074.