Monocacy Sta, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Monocaacy Sta City? Monocacy was founded before 1730, when the Indian trail became a wagon road. However, the town was abandoned before the American Revolution, likely because of the Potomac River's flooding and hostilities that pre-dated the French and Indian War. Frederick, Maryland was located closer to the river and remained a popular destination for colonists.

In July 1864, Confederate forces captured Frederick, Maryland, and began an offensive against the city. Union forces led by Major General Lew Wallace conducted a successful delaying action. This battle is known as the "Battle that saved Washington." It is located on the Monocacy River along the Frederick-Urbana-Georgetown Pike. Today, the city's population is estimated at 8,000.