Mont Clare, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the Population & Steets in Montclare City will provide you with some information on this suburb. It is a middle class suburb that has been around for over a century and has gone through many changes, including transportation related catastrophes and shifting immigrant communities. Read on to learn more about the area. If you're thinking about moving to this area, consider this:

The population of Mont Clare is composed of 105.5% whites, 3.4% blacks, and 2.2% Hispanics. Whether you're looking for a new home or need to update your old one, you'll find some demographic statistics that will help you determine the audience for your local advertising campaigns. Mont Clare has a median household income of $73,765 and an average household income of $89,620. The area's educational attainment is high: 73% of the residents are in school, while 23% work in blue-collar jobs. And 66% of the population are in white-collar roles.

Kidnapping in Mont Clare is low. The city has a lower rate of kidnapping than nearby cities. It is in the 86th percentile for crime; only 14% of cities are safer than Mont Clare. During a standard year, there were fewer kidnappings in central Mont Clare than in the southwest. And Mont Clare is safe in most areas.