Narberth, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Narberth, Pennsylvania is a borough in Lower Merion County in Pennsylvania. It is governed by a city manager and a seven-member Borough Council. All of the council members are Democrats. They are Andrea Deutsch, Fred Bush, Michele Paninopoulos, Barbara Fortner, Rob McGreevey, and Cyndy Rickards. The Borough Manager is Samantha Bryant. John Walko is the Borough Solicitor.

The United States Census reports that there are 3,137 residents of voting age in Narberth. There are 1,575 families and 742 non-family households. The average household size is 2.25. The median household income is $107,266 per year. The median home value is $536,200. The median age of residents in Narberth is 40.6 years old. Males are slightly older than females. Hispanics make up 4.7% of the population.

Among the residents of Narberth, PA, 27% are under 18 years old, while the remainder are 55 and older. About 42% of the city's residents are married, while 50 percent are single or non-family households. Eighty-one percent of households are one to three-person households.

Nearly 88% of the population in Narberth holds a college degree. The median household income is $81,929, more than twice that of the median household in Philadelphia. Seventy percent of the population in Narberth is white-collar, while the unemployment rate is 4.3%.