Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Natrona Heights City? Well, in this article, you will discover all the details about this city. You can even get the latest census data. Take a look at the following table to know how many people live in Natrona Heights City. It is an unincorporated community in Allegheny County in Western Pennsylvania. This city is located approximately 24 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.

Using this data, you can figure out what races are residing in Natrona Heights. You can also see the percentage of people of different races living in different areas. If you want to find out the percentage of the population that is white, you will have to look at the race of the people living in Natrona Heights. If they are all white, the area will have a high percentage of white people. If they are all black, the percentage of black people is lower.

Crime rates in Natrona Heights vary depending on where you live. If you live in the southeast part of the city, your chances of being a victim of vandalism are 1 in 65. If you live in the northwest section of the city, the rate is a little less than one in four hundred. You should also be aware that crime rates in these areas do not necessarily indicate that residents are at risk.