Nescopeck, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with a basic overview of the Population & Steets in Nescock City. The city is located in Nescopeck County, PA. The population in this city is made up of a mixture of white, black, and two or more ethnic groups. The majority of residents commute by car, with only 2% of them using public transportation. There are no known racial or ethnic groups living below the poverty line.

The US Census Bureau provides demographic data for Nescopeck, PA. According to these statistics, the population will reach 1,613 by 2020. Nescopeck is the third most populous place in its area, after Berwick, which has a population of over 10,000. However, the percentage of foreign-born residents is increasing, with nearly thirty percent of the city's residents being born in another country.

The number of married couples living in Nescopeck is the highest in the Luzerne County area. However, this number is likely to decrease with time. This is because the percentage of married couples is higher in Foundryville than in Nescopeck. As for the other categories, married couples make up 16.4% of all households. Compared to the overall population of Luzerne County, the city of Nescopeck is also home to a large number of single people.

The weather in Nescopeck is generally mild. The warmest month is July, with highs of 90 degF occasionally. The coldest month is December. The area experiences most precipitation in June. In 2006, a tornado was argued to touch down in the town. The town is home to several annual events, including the Briggs Farm Festival and a consignment sale in April. The annual consignment sale benefits the fire department.