Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Nesquehoning, PA is $90,800. This is 0.378 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rates in Nesquehoning are above average at 69.6%. Most residents of Nesquehoning drive alone to work and live on average of two cars per household. Approximately 33% of residents speak a non-English language.

A map of the racial composition of Nesquehoning shows that whites make up the majority of residents. Blacks and Hispanics make up the next largest minority. This information is based on census data, which is the most comprehensive source for statistics on racial makeup in the United States. In addition, poverty rates are higher in some neighborhoods than others.

In Nesquehoning, PA, the median age of residents is 42. This figure includes both native and foreign born residents. The median age of residents is higher than in other parts of Pennsylvania, where the average population is 44. According to the US Census Bureau, the town has a median income of $819 a month. Most residents of Nesquehoning are US citizens, although many are foreign-born.