New Eagle, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in New-Eagle City? The population of this Pennsylvania town is around 966 people. The majority of them are US citizens. Its unemployment rate is 5.58%, and its median household income is $56,728. However, if you're interested in learning more about the area, the following information may be useful. The table below provides information on the different income groups in New Eagle.

The area is home to several industries and businesses. While manufacturing is the primary source of employment in New Eagle, PA, others may work in other industries. Census data is tied to a person's residential address, so the data for this area is only as reliable as the data pertaining to that residence. The current population of New Eagle is 2,079. The population of the town decreased by 7.5% since the year 2020.

Rent burden is a measure of the amount of money households spend on rental housing. It is useful to estimate whether housing costs in New Eagle are affordable. Compared to the state's average of 30%, New Eagle's rent burden is higher than that of nearby cities such as East Pittsburgh. Sutersville, on the other hand, has a rent burden of 35.9%. Additionally, 29.5% of the housing units in New Eagle are occupied by renters, which is higher than that of neighboring towns like Elizabeth and Houston.

The downtown river park is a popular attraction for tourists. The town's river park has been designed to attract tourists, and the town is now undergoing projects to make the area more walkable. Currently, S20 is working on projects in Colorado and Idaho, and its Rapidblocs system will be used at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. In addition to these, the company hopes to expand its presence in the area by investing in public parks.