Normalville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets in Normalville City, Pennsylvania, you're not alone. Many people are wondering about the town's past and current population, as well as the demographics of its surrounding area. Here's some information to help you find out more. First, let's examine the town's history. The village is located on Pennsylvania Route 381 and Pennsylvania Route 711, 7.6 miles east of Connellsville. Normalville's post office opened on January 18, 1853.

The people of Normalville are of diverse racial backgrounds, and the greatest racial group is White, followed by Black, Asian, and other minorities. The majority of residents report German, Irish, and English ancestries. The city has a 128.3% white population, 0.6% black population, and 0.6 percent Hispanic population. The city's high school graduation rate is 75%.

The most dangerous areas in Normalville are in the north and northwest parts. South Normalville, PA has fewer crimes. The crime map may seem inflated, however, because many crimes are committed in daytime. Also, many crimes are committed in retail centers, which means that areas marked with red do not necessarily pose a danger to residents. But the crime map for Normalville is not entirely accurate. In fact, it may be misleading.

The ZIP code for NORMALVILLE, Pennsylvania, is 15469. The ZIP code contains nine digits and includes the name of the city and its organization. In addition, the ZIP code contains the address for the city. This address is a general reference, and you should not rely on the address of a particular street. The ZIP code is only a guide, and the address of your home or business is not the same as the address.