Oliveburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Olivesburg City, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. Listed below are the current population statistics for Oliveburg. These numbers are updated regularly to reflect the most recent data available. You can also view the entire Oliveburg, PA demographics report. You'll find information on the age breakdown of residents and other key information, such as housing statistics.

You can find out the overall crime rate for Oliveburg by examining the crime map for the city. The crime map of Oliveburg shows a few different categories, including moderately safe, moderate, and high-crime areas. Crime rates are also categorized by type and severity. Oliveburg is considered to have an overall A grade, which means the crime rate is below the national average. By comparison, the population of the Northwest part of Oliveburg is only 34% safer than the rest of the city.

The ZIP Code for Oliveburg City is 15764. The default name for the ZIP Code is OLIVEBURG. It contains a five-digit extension. In some cases, it is possible to find more detailed information about the zip code by using the five-digit extension. It is also possible to find other acceptable city names in Oliveburg. However, you should avoid using abbreviations, as this will likely be flagged as unacceptable.