Pittston Township, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that you can find the Population & Steets in Pittsten Township City online? This information will give you an idea of the size of the town and the number of people who live there. It will also give you an idea about the area surrounding the township, as well as what the city itself looks like. You can also find the location of Pittston Township's airport.

In Pittston, PA, 99.3% of the residents are U.S. citizens. The median home value in Pittston was $92,400. The homeownership rate was 51.2%, and the median number of cars per household was two. The average commute time was 21.8 minutes. There are about 7.77k people living in Pittston, and 99.3% are U.S. citizens.

The township had a population of 3,368 as of the 2010 census. The township is part of the greater Pittston area, which had a total population of 48,020. Pittston Township has a regional airport, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport. In 2010, the population was spread out among several tiers. Twenty-five percent of the people lived in single-family homes, while 24.4% of the population was in two-person households.

The former personal care home will be transformed into a pharmacy. Demolition of the property will begin on Monday and construction will begin in the fall. Nockley has other pharmacies in Scranton and co-owns a building with fellow pharmacist Kevin Cawley. The two partners also own a pharmacy in Nanticoke and are purchasing a building in the city for $150.