Ringtown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A population study has shown that Ringtown City is home to a diverse population. The ethnicities represented are Polish (24.7%), German (19.1%), Irish (17.5%), Dutch (9.2%), Pennsylvania German (7.6%), Italian (7.2%), and American (5.2%). The corresponding density is 1,711 people per square mile. The area is about 39 miles from Philadelphia, PA, which has 1,517,550 residents. The air quality index is near the state average. The average gross rent is $820 a month, which is lower than the Pennsylvania state average.

Ringtown is a borough in Pennsylvania, with a population of about 686 people. The median household income in the borough is $48,906. The poverty rate is 1.4 percent. The average age of residents is 45.6 years. Residents in Ringtown are slightly older than the state average and are mainly renters.

The city has a low violent crime rate. There are 2.61 violent crimes per thousand residents per year. The city's violent crime rate is below the national and state average. The northeast part of the city is the safest area. However, crime is not rare.

In Ringtown, the average commute time is 32 minutes, which is slightly more than the state average of 28 minutes. Public transportation is not widely used, and residents drive to work for the majority of their commute. The average number of people walking to work is higher than the national average.