Royersford, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the population and steets of Royersford City, you're not alone. Several other Philadelphia-area cities are trying to get there as well. Here are some interesting facts about the city that might surprise you. You can find out how many singles live in Royersford and Spring City. These two cities have significantly lower birth rates than the U.S. average, so this information could be useful for you.

The number of households in Royersford is staggering. The Census Bureau lists 10,002 households, of which 3,446 have children and 6,556 are non-family households. According to this data, the average household size is 2.48 people, and the median income is $82,972 per year. The percentage of white residents is higher than that of other races and ethnicities. While Royersford is overwhelmingly composed of Western Europeans, its proportion of South-East Asians is also quite high.

In 1900, the population of Royersford was 2607, and many industries were built. A large part of the town's economy was in stove making. The Buckwalter and Grander Stove Companies produced stoves for export around the world. The city's industrial growth prompted the establishment of several industries and a number of new businesses. Today, it has a population of over 4700, and its main street is a bustling shopping area.

Royersford's growth rate is below the regional average. The city's growth rate is slow, with a population density of 5.2 per square mile. Its median age is 38.4 years. Overall, the city is relatively prosperous compared to most areas of the region. The city's population density is slightly lower than that of nearby Phoenixville, which is three-fourths the size of Royersford.