Sharpsville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Sharpville City, Ohio? It is a mid-sized industrial town complex in northeastern Ohio about halfway between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. The city is home to about 4,041 residents. Its average commute time is about twenty-eight minutes. If you live in Sharpsville City, you may want to check the median age for this area.

The median property value in Sharpsville, PA was $87,000 in 2019. This is 0.362 times smaller than the national average. The median home value in Sharpsville is $87,000, and the homeownership rate is 66.4%. People in Sharpsville, PA drive alone to work, and the average commute time was 18.3 minutes. The median car ownership rate in Sharpsville is two cars per household. In Sharpsville, PA, there are approximately 4,437 businesses located in the city.

According to the census bureau, the median income in Sharpsville, PA is $1,447. The national average is $13,068. In Sharpsville, approximately 13.6% of households are below the poverty line. Sharpsville is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. This population is estimated to make up approximately 10% of the entire city's population. This rate is higher than the national average, but the median income in Sharpsville is much higher.

The original settler of Sharpsville was Jonathan Dunham. He purchased a tract from the state in 1798, which spanned both sides of the river. The town was later developed around the furnace, which flourished because of its location near the Beaver and Erie Canal. In the 1850s, the Pierce family became prominent, and the town continued to grow as a wealthy community until the twentieth century.