Stoystown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in Stoyestown City? Get a Free Population and Steets report! In this article, you'll learn all about Stoystown's population, its history, and more! Read on to learn the facts about Stoystown, PA! Listed below are the latest Population & Steets reports for Stoystown, PA.

The population of Stoystown City, Pennsylvania, is 287 as of the 2016 census. The city's diversity index measures the ethnic and racial makeup of the local population. The darker the area, the higher the diversity score. In Stoystown, the higher the diversity score, the greater the range of races and ethnicities. Also, the more colorful the area, the greater the diversity.

The crime map shows that there are a total of 9 crimes per thousand people living in Stoystown. The crime rate in Stoystown is similar to the average of its surrounding cities. Despite its relatively low crime rate, the city is safer than many of the smaller cities in the area. The Pennsylvania state and national averages are lower, so residents should feel secure in the area.

The median property value in Stoystown, PA was $86,900 in 2018, which is nearly 0.461 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in Stoystown is 63.7%, which is slightly below the national average. Most people in Stoystown, PA are employed, with an average commute time of 24.5 minutes. The average number of cars per household is two.