Tarentum, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Tarentum is composed of mostly white citizens, with only a small percentage of black people. The city also has a small number of people who identify as American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. The percentage of people who identify as Hispanic, or "other," is 17.8%. However, the city's foreign-born population is significantly lower than the state average.

The violent crime rate in Tarentum is very low, although it may seem that way when you're visiting the city. But remember that most crimes happen in areas that have few people, which are often the ones that have the most retail businesses. That is why the red areas on the violent crime map do not always indicate the safest part of the city. If you want to live in Tarentum, Pennsylvania, you should check out the cities nearby. Try searching for cities within a hundred miles or 30 miles of Tarentum.

The median property value of Tarentum, PA is $59,300. This is 0.27 times lower than the national average. While there are fewer people in Tarentum than in other communities, the number of people who are homeowners is still high. The median income of Tarentum, PA is $43,366. Moreover, the percentage of people who own a car is 1.765%, which is below the national average.