Thorndale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You are interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Thorndalge City, Minnesota. The map below shows a population breakdown by street. The Northeast Quadrant includes the city's oldest commercial buildings. Most are between 10 and 30 years old, and average around 80,000 square feet. In this quadrant, there are only a handful of buildings with loading docks. Despite this, there are plenty of other commercial properties.

The Thorndale Corridor is primarily industrial, warehouse, and commercial land uses. There are also established suburban neighborhoods and retail along major thoroughfares. As of 2008, Thorndale has a population of 202,868. The median household income is $72,152, with 25% of residents earning more than $100k a year. However, there are many redevelopment opportunities in the Thorndale Corridor.

The area south of Wood Dale Road is zoned B-2. This zone permits building-only uses, except for drive-through service facilities, off-street parking, or loading zones. There are also several vacant buildings along the streets. Some of them contain rental spaces. It is important to consider the population of your community when determining which properties are best for your business. For instance, if you are planning to build a retail establishment, be sure to check out Thorndale Avenue, as it is one of the most visible streets in the city.