Tresckow, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of Tresckow City, Pennsylvania, you should know the demographics. According to the United States Census Bureau, 61.1% of residents identify as white, while 12.3% identify as black. Similarly, about 7.5% of Tresckow's adult population is comprised of Hispanics. While the city is not home to a large military population, it does have a significant population of veterans.

When it comes to housing costs, Tresckow has an average median price of $128,684. This is significantly less than the national average of $376,286. This means that Tresckow homes are more affordable than similar houses in other cities in Pennsylvania. Although this might be a factor in determining the median house price of a Tresckow home, this is only a partial picture of the population.

The population of Tresckow is approximately 880. The town is in Carbon County and is 151 miles north of Washington, DC. The city is categorized into two ZIP Codes: a five-digit ZIP code for addressing packages and a nine-digit zip code for mailing. The 5 digit code is often sufficient for a letter or package, while the 9-digit zip code is used to copy mail.