Upperstrasburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to buy a house in Upperstrasburg, Pennsylvania, you may be wondering about the neighborhood's quality of life. Many people enjoy living in walkable cities, while others are content with the suburban feel and the need to drive to most activities. Upperstrasburg's bike score is only a 1, which means most residents will have to use their cars for most errands.

The map above will show you the racial makeup of the city. Areas with the lowest populations are usually near parks and major airports. Because of this, crime rates may be higher in these areas, even though people are generally safe and tend to exercise outdoors. Regardless, it's important to remember that crime happens where people are. So while you may find Upperstrasburg's population to be less diverse than yours, you'll still find a few interesting statistics on this topic.

In Upperstrasburg, the primary ZIP code is 17265. It belongs to Franklin County and has a population of 496. It's best to enter the ZIP code when looking for addresses, as the city's name is not always clear from the map. If you're looking for Upperstrasburg's demographics, use the map below. You can also look up crime rates by district. You'll see that the northeast part of the city has a higher identity theft rate than the east part.