Vowinckel, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Invowinckel, Pennsylvania, the Population & Steets are quite low, as compared to the other cities in the country. In fact, the poverty rate is lower than the national average, and is only 10.1% for the whole city. This is despite the fact that Vowinckel only has 82 residents. While small towns are more vulnerable to crime than large ones, Vowinckel's rate is lower than many smaller cities.

The Population & Steets in Vovinckel City are based on the 2010 Census data, provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, otherwise known as the American Factfinder. The median home value in Vowinckel is $51,000, and the median home appreciation for the last decade has been 2.4%. Vowinckel is located in Clarion County, Pennsylvania. You can find a map of the area by clicking on the "Vowinckel" tab.

The crime rate in Vowinckel is lower than the average for Rural communities. While the rate may seem contradictory, the city is well-protected, so you don't need to worry about crime in Vowinckel. The school district in Vowinckel, Pennsylvania is ranked very high in the national and state in terms of its student-to-teacher ratio and overall student-parent satisfaction.