West Springfield, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're trying to find out information on West Springfield City, Massachusetts, you have come to the right place. You can find out the population and steets in West Springfield using the information in the tables below. You can also use the tool below to compare the population of West Springfield to other cities and towns in Massachusetts. You'll find a list of important statistics in West Springfield that will help you decide whether to move there or not.

This small city is considered to be one of the fattest in the United States. It's home to many ethnicities and races, including the Simpsons, Flanders, Van Houten, and Hibbert families. Other notable residents include the Akira, Cookie Kwan, and Two Guys From Kabul. Springfield has a large gap between rich and poor citizens. This makes the city an excellent location for business.

The city is located along Interstate 91, the east-west Massachusetts Turnpike, and various freight railroads. There is a major regional shopping area, including a Costco location in the Pioneer Valley, and the Eastern States Exposition is a major seasonal employer. The Josiah Day House is a historic landmark that may be the oldest brick saltbox house in the United States. In addition, the Metacomet-Monadnock Trail passes through western West Springfield.

The city is home to several prisons. The Springfield Penitentiary is one of these institutions. The Springfield Elementary School was once a semi-converted prison. The city's Police Department, led by Police Chief Clancy Wiggum, is largely corrupt. Most of the Springfield police department's officers are corrupt and only enforce the three most recent laws. In fact, the entire Springfield police department is overloaded with corruption and has only enough manpower to enforce the last three laws passed.