Woolrich, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Woolich City? How does Woolrich compare to other cities in Iowa? Use our interactive map to find out! The map below shows the racial and ethnic composition of Woolrich City. The darker the shade, the greater the racial or ethnic diversity in the city. Also, find out how diverse Woolrich is by viewing the diversity score in the city.

Crime Statistics in Woolwich can be misleading. Crime statistics often show inflated numbers, but these areas are actually relatively safe. Crimes are more likely to occur in retail areas, so red areas do not necessarily indicate a danger for residents. The crime map does not always reflect the actual crime rate, but it is a helpful indicator of where to look for a low-crime area. In other words, if a city is not safe, it is probably not safe.