Woxall, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out more about Woxall, Pennsylvania, see the following Population & Steets report. This report highlights the various groups of people in Woxall. The racial composition of the city's population is also represented by its socioeconomic statistics. A majority of the population consists of Whites and Blacks. Non-citizens are also represented by a higher percentage of the population, with 5.31% below the poverty line.

The population of a city is indicative of how neighborly it is. For example, in Woxall, 79% of homes are owned by the residents. There are also around 3.7 people living in each household. While quality of life is subjective, some people prefer walking neighborhoods while others prefer suburban settings. Some may also prefer the tranquility of open spaces and nature. Other home buyers may not mind a reasonable commute time.

The average property value in Woxall, PA is $347,100. This is higher than the average of $240,500 in the United States. Woxall's homeownership rate is 78.8%, higher than the national average of 64.9%. A majority of people living in Woxall, PA commute alone, with a mean travel time of 31.4 minutes. Residents of Woxall own two cars, which is about average.

In 2019, the median age of the overall population in Woxall, PA was 34.1. Foreign-born citizens made up twenty-four percent of the population, while native-born residents were 38. The highest percentage of foreign-born residents was from India, followed by the Dominican Republic and China. A majority of the residents speak English at home, with the next highest percentage coming from Italy. In addition, Woxall, PA is home to approximately 2,000 people.