Wynnewood, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Wynerwood City, OK is just a third of the size of Oklahoma. Here is a look at its population breakdown. The city's population is a mix of native-born and foreign-born citizens, and the median age is 42.3. This shows that the Wynnewood, OK population is a bit older than other Oklahoma cities. In 2018, the average resident was 42 years old. The most common foreign-born country of birth was Mexico, where 107,399 people called it home. The next largest foreign-born country was Vietnam, with 14,412 residents, and India with 10,350.

For housing, the city has two distinct parts. The west side contains most households, but the east is more affordable than the west. In addition, the population of Wynnewood is older than its southern neighbor. Its population is also more diverse than other neighborhoods. However, people tend to live in areas where there are more public spaces. Wynnewood has a comparatively higher proportion of renters than many of its neighboring cities.

A map of the diversity in Wynnewood shows where the area is more diverse. Red areas are generally safer than green, and areas with fewer residents are less likely to be affected by crime. However, red areas do not always mean crime is more likely to happen in these areas. While the map displays the rate of crime in the city, the red area doesn't necessarily mean that residents of these areas are in danger.