Yeagertown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Yeagertown City, Pennsylvania, you may need to look at the statistics. As a census-designated place (CDP), the population of Yeagertown is approximately 1,053 people. The median household income is $55,108, making it one of the wealthiest areas in the state. In Yeagertown, the poverty rate is 2.32%, which is lower than the state's average.

The most populated race in Yeagertown is White. However, a recent census shows that other races make up a small percentage. In Yeagertown, the highest concentration of black residents was among the 55-64 and over-65 age groups. The area has an estimated 3% of residents who are not white. The city's population is composed of a mix of native-born citizens, immigrants, and day-visitors.

The population of Yeagertown is low in neighborhoods that are located near parks and major airports. However, if you live near a park or an airport, you'll see a higher violent crime rate than elsewhere. Crime rates are higher in safe places, but it still happens everywhere. A good way to determine if Yeagertown is safe is to call the police and ask for a copy of the police report.