York Springs, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the Population & Steets in York Spring City, Pennsylvania, look no further. The data below will give you an overview of the city's racial and ethnic makeup. It also shows you how many households live in poverty. Compared to the United States average, York Springs has a poverty rate of 26.6%, which is higher than the national average.

In York Springs, PA, the majority of residents are white, with only a small percentage of Black and Hispanic people. In addition, about 9.2% of residents reported being Hispanic. For advertisers, knowing the demographics of the residents in York Springs will help them determine if the community's demographics align with their products and services. In addition, homeownership rates and median household income are useful indicators for determining the target audience.

The Borough of York Springs has a C5 Census Class Code, which means that it is an incorporated place and is a county subdivision equivalent. Its Population & Steets in York Springs City are given in 2010, 2020, and by street name. Its postal ZIP code is 17372.

The median age of residents in York Springs is 33.8. The median age of foreign-born residents is 39.8% higher than the average. This city has an age-old median of 33 for both white and Hispanic citizens. The poverty rate in York Springs is 58.6%, while the average age of a white-collar worker is 32.8%. If you're wondering about the racial and ethnic composition of York Springs, PA, take a look at the data below.