Kenyon, Rhode Island Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick check on population and steets in Kenyon City, Minnesota reveals that 71.1% of the population is employed. Eighty-nine percent of Kenyon's residents have a high school education or less, while only six percent hold graduate or professional degrees. The median household income in Kenyon is $57440, and a third of the population lives below the poverty line.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the population of Kenyon was 2,167. Of these, 52.8% of Kenyon's citizens were male, while 47.2% identified as female. The average gender breakdown in the U.S. and Rhode Island is 48.8% to 51.2%. This makes Kenyon the seventh-most diverse city in the nation. While the population of the city is overwhelmingly white, the majority of its residents are male.

The ZIP code for Kenyon City, MN, is 55946. The city is located in Goodhue County, and a portion of it falls within Rice County. Its official USPS name is KENYON, Minnesota, and its area code is 507. This zip code is a middle-class neighborhood in Minnesota. The median home value is $134,300.