Saunderstown, Rhode Island Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you start your search for information about the Saunderstown city, it may be helpful to know how many people live in this area. The following table provides the population and steets for the town of Saunderstown. You can also view a map of the city. Here you can see how many people live in Saunderstown, RI. And once you have the information you need, you can even begin your search for the Saunderstown area by finding out which cities are within 100 miles or less.

The population of Saunderstown is quite diverse. Almost 90.4% of households in Saunderstown speak English. Other languages spoken in this city include Polish, French, and Vietnamese. However, you should keep in mind that most of these people are white and non-Hispanic. For example, if you look at the racial breakdown, you'll find that the neighborhood is comprised mainly of white people.

The population of Saunderstown is approximately 24,000, which includes residents of the town's suburbs. However, the city has a strong school system, which educates more than 25,000 students. There are nine public and private schools in the town, including the UMass Medical School and the Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park. The city also is home to the Dynamy residential internship program, which was founded in 1969.

In Saunderstown City, there are a number of crime hot spots. Major airports and schools are also high-crime locations, while few residents live near parks and recreational areas. However, even when crime is rare, it does happen. A good place to start your search for Saunderstown identity theft is the northwest part of the city. You'll find more retail establishments in the northwestern part of the town, where most of the crime happens.