Aynor, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Aynor is a small town in South Carolina. The population is around 713. The median household income is $32,917. The city's poverty rate is below the national average of 13.6%. Here are some important facts about the population of Aynor. Also see the population density for the surrounding towns. You can also find out how many people live in Aynor and what percentage of the population lives in poverty.

The population of Aynor is made up of both white and black citizens. There are many historical landmarks in the city, including the birthplace of David Scott and Billy Joe. The percentage of Hispanics living in the city is quite low. The percentage of foreign-born people living in Aynor is also low, at just over 1%. The average length of residence is 3.7 years. Aynor has about seven pilots and three airmen.

Aynor is in Horry County. It has a population of 560 at the 2010 census. The city is expected to grow to 978 by 2020. There are two banks in Aynor. The most popular banks are Conway National Bank and Anderson Brothers Bank. If you're looking for a bank in the city, make sure to find one in the town. There are several ATMs in the area, so you can make a quick deposit at any time.