Batesburg, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in Bat-sburg City? Are you curious about its history? Get to know its people and history by reading this article. You will learn the most important statistics of Batesburg City. Here is a summary of the town's past. Now that you know more about the city's history, let us explore its population. Population and Steets in Batesburg City can help you make informed decisions.

The population is largely white. A quarter of the population is under 18 years old, one fifth is over the age of forty, and the rest is middle aged or older. There are also more single adults living in the area than people of working age. The percentage of households with children is slightly higher than the national average, and there are more single parents than families. The percentage of homes with vacancies is slightly less than average.

The population of Batesburg-Leesville is slightly higher than the national average, and many residents enjoy comfortable living conditions. Residents own 66% of their homes, making the community a great place to retire. There are only a small percentage of renters in the area, and those who do rent usually save more money than those who own their homes. In fact, renters in Batesburg City spend less than a year living in a home than those who don't own it.

The Batesburg-Leesville ZIP Code is located in Saluda County and includes parts of Aiken County. The ZIP Code is 29006 and the city's population is estimated to be 5,415 people in 2019. The town has an African American mayor, Isaac Woodard, Jr., and a population of approximately 5,362 as of the 2010 census. After merging with Leesville, Batesburg-Leesville is located near Lexington, Ridge Spring, Saluda, and Ward.