Conestee, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Conestee City is approximately 6,783 people. About 113 people walk to work, while 50 take the trolley bus. The US Census Bureau provides the latest census data on population and steets in Conestee City. However, the information is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. We encourage you to visit the US Census Bureau website to verify the information provided. We also encourage you to consider other sources of information for Conestee City demographics.

Before the American Revolution, the area was used by the Cherokees. In 1794, Andrew Nelson was granted land along the Reedy River. Three times between that time and 1820, the property changed hands. Textile manufacturing was a popular industry in the 1820s, and Conestee on the Reedy River was one of several promising sites. However, the town was not able to capitalize on the economic potential of the area.

Real estate in Conestee is mainly comprised of small and medium sized homes. Most homes in Conestee are owner-occupied. Many homes were built between 1970 and 1999. The vacancy rate of home and apartment units in Conestee is relatively low when compared to other neighborhoods in the nation. In fact, it is in the middle of the spectrum. For those who are interested in moving to Conestee, it is a good idea to check out the median home and apartment prices before making a final decision.

The city's population boomed after the first half of the twentieth century. In 1905, the city received four new cotton mills, and the "beltline trolley" linked the mills with the downtown. The new "suburbs" included the Earle Street area, and the Pettigru Street Historic District. The city's new downtown sported a modest public library.