Due West, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the Census, you can learn a lot about the city of Due West. This map shows the population of Due West and the surrounding area. It also shows the average income of its residents, which is $39,375 for a family of four. Males in Due West made an average income of $35,937 while females earned an average income of $23,378. The per capita income was $22,758. The city's income inequality is fairly high, with 13.5% of the population living below the poverty line. Those 65 years old and older are particularly affected by the poverty rate, with 14.0% living in poverty.

The city of Due West is located in the Abbeville County of South Carolina. It is estimated to have a population of 1,213 by 2020. The population density has decreased by 0.49% since the last census. The city has a 9.77 percent poverty rate, with an average household income of $64,400. The median rent is $807 a month, and the median house value is $105,200. The median age of residents is 21.7 years, and 21.6 for males.

The United States Postal Service uses the ZIP code 29639 for Due West. Its official USPS name is Due West, South Carolina. Due West has a population of 1,214 people. Its median household income is $51,953. The city has a low poverty rate, and is located in the lower middle class. You can also find schools in Due West, SC. If you have a question about the local economy, try looking at the Due West - Museum page on this website.