Edgefield, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Edgeridge City? You might be surprised to learn that Edgefield has a diverse population. A recent census revealed that 32.8% of the area's children live below the poverty level. This number is much higher than the national average of eighteen percent. Nevertheless, the city still has a unique culture. Read on to discover the characteristics of the population and steets of Edgefield City.

The population of Edgefield is made up of approximately 47 percent white residents and 56.7 percent black residents. The other 3 percent is made up of Hispanic residents. About 76 percent of residents work alone, while 8.4 percent walk to work. The percentage of households that carpool to work is 7.29 percent. You can view the distribution of households by mode of transportation in Edgefield by looking at the chart below.

In terms of race, the median age of residents of Edgefield, SC is 44.9 years old. Native-born citizens were older, while foreign-born residents were younger. In addition, foreign-born citizens were mainly from Mexico, where 64.7% of the residents were born. India and Honduras are among the top three most common national origins for residents. If you are considering moving to Edgefield, SC, take a look at our demographics.

In the 1870s, the American Civil War lasted four years. Nearly one-third of Edgefield's white male population was lost in the conflict. The economic base of the South became threatened, and national unity was at stake. The caning of Senator Charles Sumner, a former senator of the South, galvanized the nation and set the state on its way to secession. A few years later, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.