Enoree, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What Are the Population & Steets of Enoree City? You might be curious about the number of residents and businesses in this small town in Spartanburg County. You can find this information by checking out the city's demographics. Enoree is a census-designated place, which means that it is part of the county. There are about 665 people living in Enoree.

The map below shows the percentage of residents of different races in Enoree City. The color of each square pixel represents the self-identified racial group in Enoree. The darker the shade, the larger the racial percentage in a given area. The map below also displays diversity scores. Areas with high diversity scores are green and low-density red.

The map of the city can help you find the right house or rent a house in Enoree. You can also check out the distribution and delivery areas of local businesses in Enoree. This information is useful if you are thinking about relocating or looking for a job. A map can also prove to be useful if you are traveling from one place to another. So, check out the map of Enoree, SC, and choose the right suburb for you.

The historical earthquake activity of Enoree is above the state average and 0% higher than the U.S. average. Besides the earthquakes, other natural disasters that have struck Enoree are wind, tornadoes, ice storms, and drought. These natural disasters are common in the area, but they do not pose a huge threat to the residents of the town.