Eutawville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering relocating to Eutawville City, SC, you may want to take a look at the population and steets data in the area. While the city has a population of 315 people, it used to be part of Berkeley County. The area of Eutawville is only 0.9 square miles (2.3 km2).

The following map shows the violent crime rates for different parts of the city. The northwest has the highest rates at 1 in 107, while the northeast has the lowest rates at 6.1 crimes per thousand residents. While these rates may seem higher than average, they are actually much lower than the national average. The northeastern part of the city is considered to be the safest, as crime rates in this area are lower.

Neighborhoods are also an important factor to consider when relocating to Eutawville. If there are a lot of neighboring houses, this could mean a difficult homeowners' association. If garages are cluttered and filled with cars, that can be an indicator of unappealing neighbors. In addition to housing conditions, the look and feel of the neighborhood can also help you decide whether to relocate to Eutawville.

When determining the average age ranges for different racial groups, you may want to consider the median age. For instance, Eutawville City, SC has a large percentage of residents who are under the age of twenty. However, it has a small proportion of people who are between fifty-nine and sixty-nine years of age. This can be an important factor in employment research and finding retirement communities.