Fingerville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When evaluating the poverty rate in a city, it's important to consider how many people live in poverty. Fingerville has a 0.00% poverty rate, compared with a national rate of 14.1%. Of course, this is lower than the national rate of 13.7%, and the state of South Carolina has a higher poverty rate. See Crime in Every State for more detailed statistics. Also, read up on the Cost of Living and Taxes in your area.

The proportion of households headed by a woman is highest in Fingerville, at 52%. Inman Mills has the highest percentage of households headed by a man. However, despite the fact that the area is larger than Fingerville, the number of married and widowed women is the same. Inman Mills' population is overwhelmingly white, and the majority of the people in Fingerville are white.

Fingerville is a relatively safe city. Crime rates are lower than those in most other cities. Compared to other cities of the same size, Fingerville is lower than the national average. And if you're thinking about moving to Fingerville, it's time to do your research. The following analysis will help you decide if your new city is right for you. Fingerville has a relatively low crime rate, which is important to consider if you're considering moving there.

The following map shows the population and steets of the Fingerville City ZIP Code. The name of the city is included as the default, as the area is known by its citizens. The ZIP Code is also useful for copying mails. This ZIP Code also contains the city's population as of 2010 and 2020. Its population has decreased by 33.3% since 2010. It is an important reference when deciding whether to purchase property in the area.