Gable, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for more information on the Population & Steets in GABLE City? If so, keep reading! This article will give you a general idea of the demographics of this South Carolina city. The most recent census data shows that there are approximately 1,756 people living in Gable, with 461 households. The median home value in Gable is $73,846 and the average household size is 2.71 people. The median age is 35 and the median household income is $41,563 dollars. The high school graduation rate is 56%.

The city has over two square miles of land. Downtown is situated on Ponce de Len Boulevard and stretches more than two miles. Originally, the city had an electric trolley system that ran along the street, but modern automobiles soon replaced it. Today, the city's trolley system is a free circulator that runs down Ponce de Leon Boulevard and Douglas Road. While this new system has not made Gable City a desirable location for families, the residents are still happy to have a public transportation system.

The area around Gable City has a small park and a few historic houses. There are more seniors than middle-aged people living in this area. The area has a small population of families and single people. There is slightly less vacancy than the national average. The census shows that there is at least one nursing home in the area. Listed below are the population and steets of Gable City.