Little Mountain, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will help you discover the Population & Steets of Little Mountain City, South Carolina. You'll discover which racial groups live below the poverty line in the city. While the exact numbers vary by race, they are often close to the poverty line. To determine if a household is impoverished, the Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds. These thresholds are based on the size of the household and how much each member earns. The most common job groups in Little Mountain, SC are Business & Financial Operations, Management, and Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, & Media.

The population of Little Mountain, SC is 259 people, with a median household income of $69,063. Its poverty rate is 11.72%, making it a relatively affordable city for those with lower incomes. Listed below are the ethnic breakdown of Little Mountain, SC. Little Mountain is a non-Hispanic city, with a majority of White people. The remaining 2.72% is Black or African American. The city's median age is 37.

The population of Little Mountain City was reported to be spread out. The percentage of individuals who were under 18 and those who were 25 to 44 were almost equal. The percentage of households with one or two children was significantly lower. The percentage of Hispanics and Blacks who were not married was 12.5%, and the percentage of foreign-born residents was 20.7%. The median age was 43 years old, so Little Mountain City's demographics look fairly average.