Pomaria, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Po maria City, SC: Where does Pomaria stand in the state? How many people live in this city and what are the most important economic statistics? Let's explore Pomaria's demographics and see how it compares to nearby cities. While the median household income in Pomaria is $70625, it's far from the lowest.

The majority of Pomaria's residents are White, but its population is actually quite diverse. Most residents identify as African-American, but there are also reports of Irish, German, and Australian ancestry. Only 8.8% of the population in this area speaks another language. Of those who are considered poor, about 38% live in the Pomaria City area. Those living in Pomaria are employed in a variety of occupations, including sales, manufacturing, construction, and farming, fishing, and forestry.

The population of Pomaria City is 178, and the median home value is $194,200. The average commute time to work is 24.6 minutes. The median home price is $194,200, and it's appreciated by 4.3% over the past decade. If you're thinking of moving to Pomaria, consider these factors when selecting a hotel. The right hotel can make the difference between a good stay and a bad experience.

The ZIP code for Pomaria, South Carolina is 29126. Its population is mostly white. It's estimated to reach 4,5,699 by 2020. Pomaria's housing prices are affordable and are a good value for your money. If you're planning on moving to this area, you can view basic demographic information, such as the city's school information, and search for homes in the Pomaria, SC area.