Santee, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Santee, California is located in the state of California. There is a city hall located at a certain address in Santee. For more information on the city, call the customer service number provided by the city hall. There are 6 bank branches in Santee. The largest of these is JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, with 1 branch office. Other notable banks in Santee include Pacific Western Bank and Wells Fargo Bank.

The city has a population of over 75,000 people. This is approximately a third of the population of California. The city's population is comprised of both native-born citizens and foreign-born citizens. As of 2013, about 33% of the population of Santee is Black, which makes it one of the most diverse communities in the state. Santee also has one of the lowest Hispanic or Latino populations in the state.

The median property value in Santee, CA is $445,500, which is over 1.85 times higher than the national average. The city is home to a majority of households (71%) who own a car. The median household income in Santee, CA is $17,347, compared to an average of $54,879 nationally. Most residents of Santee, CA commute to work alone, driving a car on average of 26 minutes per day. In addition, Santee residents have about the same percentage of car ownership as the national average: 2 cars per household.

Santee has a thriving local economy. The city provides a mix of residential, commercial and industrial uses. The downtown core is a 700-acre town center district that features high-density residential and business parks. The Town Center includes the Santee Trolley Square shopping complex and a trolley station. The city also has many parks and recreation areas that are open to the public.