Trio, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Trio City, this article will help you answer that question. You can learn about the racial and ethnic makeup of the city, as well as other statistics from the area. This information is based on the latest census data, and it is not guaranteed to be complete or accurate. For more details, view the complete Trio City demographic report. Alternatively, view the Trio City map to see how much of the city's population lives in the area.

The median age of residents of Trio City, OR is 45.4. This figure includes both native-born residents and those who were born abroad. Of these three groups, the most common birthplace of residents is Mexico, followed by China and Vietnam. The other two groups share similar median ages. The median income for the entire area is $18,495 per capita. In terms of median age, the city's population is made up of a mixture of ages, from toddlers to seniors.

The area's early economy was based on agriculture remains a major part of the economy today. In fact, Trio City, OR was mostly rural until the mid-1940s. There were no daily newspapers or radio stations until the mid-1940s. Agriculture remains a large part of the area's economy and culture, so it's not surprising that there are so many families living in Trio City.