Turbeville, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the Population & Steets of Turbeville City, SC, you may be wondering how many people live in the town. This article will provide you with the most recent statistics. The most commonly reported racial groups are: White, Black, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. The rest of the population is either Hispanic, or none of the above.

In the 2010 census, the population of Turbeville City was 1,228. The population was spread among various income groups. There were 301 households with children under the age of 18 living with their parents. Thirty-one percent of households were married couples, while 19.2% had a female householder living alone without her husband. There were also 31.4 percent of non-families in the town. And lastly, 15.5% of the town's residents were senior citizens.

Before the federal post office was established, Turbeville had many other names. The town had an area that encompassed much more than the present town limits. Douglas, the township on the federal census records, Pine Grove, and Seloc were communities just east of the present town. Despite these names, the town grew and prospered. A post office was eventually established. In 1880, the population of Turbeville was around 900. Today, that town has about 2,400 residents.

The town of Turbeville is located in Clarendon County, SC. The population of this town was 766 at the 2010 census. The population is estimated to be around 783 by 2020. The city has a long history. In the 1840s, Michael Turbeville purchased 125 acres near his land. His sons bought another 200 acres and built a successful turpentine still. The brothers built a thriving business, and the town became known as Puddin' Swamp.